The 2019 REGION CHAMPIONS OCHS Warrior Football team is selling beautiful LONGLEAF pine straw and insect-resistant cypress bark and colored (brown or red) hardwood bark mulch as part of our MULCH MADNESS fundraiser. Pine straw will be in easy to carry and lay out ROLLS. Each roll is equal to 2.25 bales of straw and costs $12 for 1-29 rolls or $11.50 for 30 or more rolls. Bagged mulch prices range from $5 to $6 depending upon quantity (see the flyer below).
We are planning on playing the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP game again this year and need all the help and support we can get. This is one of our biggest fundraisers to support the team in purchasing equipment, supplies, and most importantly FOOD to feed the players during the season. You can purchase mulch using our ONLINE STORE on this site or paying by check, Venmo or PayPal and submitting the form below with your order. Thank you for supporting the OCHS Football Team!